A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

- Lighty needs to get the Electricity, you will have to travel through the levels solving puzzles, disabling lasers and fighting enemies to get there.

-This is the version 0.1 of the game.

-There will be new updates as soon as possible.

-This version of the game only features a tutorial and one level as well as the main menu.


    -Programming: Diego Ruiz

    -Art: Diego Ruiz

    -Music & Sound Effects: Diego Ruiz


Lighty v0.1.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

The file is compresses, so you would have to decompress it using your preffered decompresing software.

After you decompress the folder you will have to run the executable inside called "Lighty"

Development log


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Good Idea, But needs a little Work. When The tutorial is completed there is around a 50% chance of it glitching and not going to the next scene. And the blue cube is easily clipped out of the area with one or two bullets. When you go back to the main menu, and go back into the game it will freeze when panning to the goal. Just do a little bug fixing and maybe make the blue cube slower?